The easiest way to communicate with customers. Offer your customers the channel they use every day.
Let’s connect.WhatsApp is the most used messenger platform at the moment. 60 million active users in Germany, over 2 billion users worldwide. 97% of all 18- to 29-year-olds in Germany use WhatsApp. Whatsapp is therefore the easiest way to contact young customers in particular.
Many renowned companies have our software applications in use. You can now offer your customers new ways to connect with you digitally.
Let’s connect.Our WhatsApp integration at a glance:
Your customers can chat directly with your Employees via WhatsApp. More convenient and simpler.
Thanks to our cooperation with S-Markt and Mehrwert, we can offer savings banks direct integration with the OSPlus message center and with OSPlus_neo.
End-to-end encryption protects your personal data and makes this channel secure and fast.
From the on-boarding process to ongoing support and consulting services, the baningo support team is there for you. Our first-class customer service provides you with answers in the shortest possible time without long waiting periods - whether it's a question in daily use or strategic advice on how to use our products more successfully.